
Principal Page

Welcome back, SLE Family!

As I start my fourth year as Principal at South Lakewood Elementary, I am filled with love, gratitude, hope and excitement! Last year was an amazing year, and I know that this year will be even better! I want to thank you for allowing us to be a part of your child’s educational journey. Your student is the reason we show up every day. From the smiles, to learning about their passions and interests, your child brings life to South Lakewood and creates the heartbeat that is SLE. And for those families who are new to SLE this year, WELCOME! We truly are a community of love, where every child and family belong. Unique we are, and that’s what makes us beautiful. At SLE we are Appreciative. Learners. Leaders. WE are ALL ONE! Each ONE! #SLE

Leading with heart is my passion. I love building relationships with each and every student, and every family. I believe that every child deserves a champion. Someone who believes that they can and will be successful in school and empowers these students to aspire to be great. I want students to create relationships with not only peers, but with the staff. I value my staff and know that together we are better. You’ll see me walking the halls, at lunch and recess, before and after school, talking with your students. This is what brings me joy! Together we create a joyful school community.

As a leader, my core value is equity. I believe in equity. Every child, every classroom, every day. I believe in knowing our students' names, who they are, their families and their passions and interests. I believe that every child has the right to a quality education. Authentic learning that challenges our students to think critically and creatively. I will analyze multiple data points to ensure our students are growing in their education and I will never stop learning. I am a lead learner. I believe in the power of education. Together we will help every child see their greatness.

This year we will create an extraordinary experience for your child. At South Lakewood, we truly believe in educating the whole child, knowing that academics are important, and so are social emotional skills. I am committed to providing opportunities for your child to see themselves as world citizens, through authentic learning aligned with

character work. We offer many different opportunities for students to share their passions. From our Choir to our Art Clubs, our Track and Field to our Coding Club, students are able to thrive in many different opportunities here at SLE. Together we will help every child feel welcome and know that they belong.

I am excited to continue our special SLE traditions again this year, from our Fall Festival to our Celebration of Belonging - we come together as a community. I am thankful for our amazing PTA who has helped bring our vision to life and I am excited to continue our work together this year. I value the relationships I have with all stakeholders. I will listen to ideas and challenges and we will work together to create our vision for South Lakewood. Together we will create relationships and partnerships that will help our students to grow.

Our SLE Staff is more than a school staff. We are a family. I am inspired every day by our staff, who work together to provide your child with a joyful learning environment. As a leader I will support a culture of growth and provide opportunities for our staff to build efficacy. Together we will create a community of lifelong learners.

I believe in every child, every day. This matters. Your child matters. I will never give up on a child. I will walk alongside your child on this learning journey. We are ALL ONE, EACH ONE!

I am thankful and honored to be the Principal of South Lakewood Elementary. This community has my heart and I look forward to continuing our adventure together.

I appreciate you,

Mr. Romero